February 01, 2007

The "D"

Well, I had a feeling I'd be hearing about this sometime in Comp 106 after seeing news reports about it last night.
I think the campaign is a good step in the right direction, I'm just not sure how it will turn out in the end. I'd hope that it succeeds and creates some sort of spur for any age group to make their way into the city.
One of the big things that the news coverage tried to say helped with the creation of this program was the Tigers playoff run last season. Now, honestly, I don't believe that. Right now I still consider the Pistons the only real sports entertainment we have in this city. If the Tigers can manage to keep up a decent team and record, then maybe I'd include it. I didn't exactly understand their emphasis.
The visual, to me at least, was expected. The D. What else has become a symbol of the city other than that one letter. People all around the country wear Detroit Tigers clothing and caps just for that signature D. I think it's a good move to try and relate to the targeted younger crowd because I have a feeling that if you were to ask them, "Where is the D?", they'd more than likely respond Detroit. Taking this image and working with it to create a positive side of Detroit was a well-thought strategy.
You can look at the article here.

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