February 22, 2007

metrotimes restaurant review

Some of the key points that I am seeing in Jane Slaughter's review seem to be difficult to replicate in a short amount of time.

One thing that really boosts her article is that she provides a great variety of what's available at the restaurant. She not only talks about the beef, but goes in detail about some of the chicken dishes available, as well as the fact that she was able to compensate for her vegetarian friend. She is all over the board between the salads, meats, and side dishes. When I look at our reviews, I consider trying out new dishes to be able to provide better insight, but some places just have too much for us to try everything and grade accurately.

Another evident feature she provides would be her vivid detail of most of the dishes she describes. She certainly uses good word choice to let the reader know what to expect when ordering a certain meal. Whether something is salty, soft and tender, spicy or bland, she lets you know how it will be. Choosing your words wisely when it comes to describing the restaurant of choice can be very helpful for the reader to imagine themselves there and what the food just might be like. It may even be helpful to warn them so stay away from it, if that type of food just isn't what they are looking for.

1 comment:

Mike Guerreso said...

I agree with you about Jane Slaughter using vivid details in her reveiw. It certainly made her reveiw that much more interesting. In addition, it allowed someone like myself to learn about food from Argentina, something that I am completely unfamiliar with. Her rich details and description made me curious to someday eat at this restaurant or just eat this type of food. Your right when you say that we have to add these same vivid details in our own restaurant reviews.